Our Core Values

  • Do you have what it takes to do what needs to be done, regardless of how bad you don’t want to do it? Whether its taking the first steps to getting back to feeling good or pushing through a workout, the ability to dig deep a push through is essential.

  • The path to getting where you want to go might not always be easy. There might be bumps, bruises, and setbacks along the way. It’s all part of the process. Trust the process. Be willing to grow through it.

  • Nothing great happens overnight. Your ability to show up day in, day out, and put the work in consistently will forge the path to where you want to go.


Serving the poeple of our Upper Peninsula Community to help them own thier health


The “Own Your Health” initiative:

We have a mission to serve as many of our Upper Peninsula’s health conscious community members as possible.

At LeverEdge Chiropractic, we want to challenge the status quo of chiropractic or physiotherapy care. We know that “cookie cutter” treatment plans where everyone gets the same treatment regardless of their problem or concern simply do not work.

Each individual should be treated just as that: an individual who is unique, with their own presentation. Anyone who chooses to trust us with their health will always have their voice heard and valued.

We also believe no one should be reliant upon a healthcare provider for symptom relief every time a problem arises.

Not only do we want to eliminate pain or discomfort, but we want to educate you and give you the tools necessary you need to OWN YOUR HEALTH for a lifetime.